Sugi / coldrain -Endorsement Artist-
We are pleased to announce SAITO GUITARS entered into a contract for an endorsement with Sugi who is a guitarist of coldrain.
His new two guitars were custom made based on S-622JMC. These neck scale remine the same and one is tuned in 2 Step Down-Drop A#, and another one is tuned in Whole Step Down.
SAITO GUITARSはcoldrainのGuitaristであるSugiとエンドースメント契約をしました事をご報告致します。
彼の2本の新しいギターはS-622JMCをベースにカスタムメイド。ネックスケールはそのままに、一本は2 Step Down-DropA#に、もう一本はWhole Step Downにチューニングされています。