Kenji Hiroi -Artist-
We would like to announce that SAITO GUITARS will welcome Mr. Kenji Hiroi as a new artist. この度、ギタリストの廣井謙次さんをSA…
S-622CS Heritage We are pleased to announce the new variation of S-622CS which has …
33BEYOND-Resolution- We are pleased to announce that the new prod…
Dave Wood -Artist-
Photo by Myriam Santos We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Dave Wood as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | S…
Tomoya Ohtani -Artist-
We are pleased to announce that SEGA’s senior sound producer and composer, Tomoya Otani, has joined SAITO GUIT…
Shotaro Tamaki -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Shotaro Tamaki of a bassist and Multi-instrumentalist as SAITO GUITAR…
Event Informatin Gathering about 50 of SAITO guitars and basses at one floor of ESP GROOVE ROUNGE TOKYO! You c…
John Snow -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. John Snow as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS About John…
Hiroshi / ADORA -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Hiroshi from ADORA as SAITO GUITARS’ artist.ADORAのギタリスト、HiroshiさんがSAI…
Does Wood Matter? Maple VS Wenge Bass Neck Comparison – Joe Calderone
The new video is launched by Joe Calderone who is Arch Echo bassist. Which do you prefer wenge or maple neck? …
Marcos Robinson -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Marcos Robinson as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS Abou…
Keven Eknes -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Keven Eknes as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS About Ke…
Shemaiah Turner -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Shemaiah Turner as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS Abou…
Toshi Yanagi -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Toshi Yanagi as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS About T…
Joel Whitley -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Joel Whitley as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS About J…
Dory Lobel -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. Dory Lobel as SAITO GUITARS’ artist. Artist | SAITO GUITARS About Dor…
NAMM 2024 Collection
We’ll be at NAMM2024 Booth #5028 2024 is SAITO GUITARS world debut at NAMM Show (Anaheim Convention Cent…
JuNN -Artist-
We would like to announce to welcome Mr. JuNN / Dongjun Jung as SAITO GUITARS’ artist.JuNN is supported and in…
Price Revision & Ceased Product Line – 価格改定と一部機種の生産終了
1. Price Revision – 価格改定について Due to circumstances with the Covid-19 and exchange rate instability,  …
Japan Distributor 株式会社 齋藤楽器工房は株式会社コルグと代理店契約を締結したことをお知らせします。 SAITO GUITARS製品の日本国内での販売はKID(Korg Import Division)…
シンディ(sindee) -Artist-
Photo by かい Sindee who is a bass player is now SAITO GUITARS Artist. We got to know him when supporting Daijir…
鈴木健治(Kenji Suzuki)×SR-22T-Plus
Information We are pleased to announce that a review video about SR-22T-Plus by a guitarist Kenji Suzuki has b…
鈴木健治(Kenji Suzuki)×SR-22
Information We are pleased to announce that a review video about SR-22 by a guitarist Kenji Suzuki has been re…
Gaku Yamada -Artist-
Photo by ©︎SLOT PHOTOGRAPHIC Information Gaku Yamada who is one of Japan’s leading guitarists and perfor…
SR-22T-Plus Debut
What is “SR-22T-Plus”? SR-22T-Plus is a new model of SR-Series. The detail of the neck is the same…
SR-22 Debut
What is “SR”? S = Solid Guitar R = Robo Winding Pickups SR is our new solid guitar series we provi…
S-624 Update
S-624 has been updated. This model can select each one from three different pickup layouts and bridge parts, s…
“Gallery Page” has been opened.
Gallery Page has been opened as colors sample of S-Series. The colors on the page are available to any models …
Extraordinary Wenge Neck
Red Line Logo Green Line Logo Blue Line Logo Blue Line Logo with Maple FB Side dots on Red fingerboard line Si…
ロックイン新宿 – SAITO GUITARS MEETING 新製品発表&オーダー相談会 –
※当イベントは終了致しました。ご来店頂きましたお客様方、誠にありがとうございました。 新製品[Extraordinary Wenge Neck]をどこよりも早く試せる&オーダーできる!SAITO GUITARS代表とスタ…
JMC-Sugi / coldrain Sugi Signature Model
We are pleased to announce that JMC-Sugi, signature model of Sugi who is a guitarist of coldrain is released. …
Norathep Masaeng -Artist-
Information We are pleased to announce that Norathep Masaeng who is a bassist of PAUSE, A legendary rock band …
Kenji Aihara -Artist-
Information We are pleased to announce that Kenji Aihara, who lives in Utah, USA, is now a SAITO GUITARS ARTIS…
Stevi Item / DeadSquad -Artist-
Information We are pleased to announce that Stevi Item who is a guitarist of DeadSquad is added as SAITO GUITA…
New Products – S-624,Left Hand Models –
S-624 ProductsにS-624を追加致しました。トレモロに加えハードテイルブリッジが選択可能です。Added S-624 information to Products Page. This is availa…
Notification of specification changes
We inform that a few option items for SAITO GUITARS S-Series are changed. Please note that orders in current s…
Portrait Line No.1 Special / TV Yellow
※予定本数に達したため生産完了とさせて頂きました。(2022/10/1) 新製品「Portrait Line No.1 Special」が遂に登場。 1958年製造のヴィンテージをSAITO GUITARSが徹底再現。 …
PRODUCTSにUNIQUE WOOD PROJECTのページを追加致しました。 在庫、お取扱店につきましてはお気軽にお問い合わせください。
Junko / 打首獄門同好会 -Artist-
Photo by HayachiN Information Junko who is a bassist for Uchikubigokumon-Doukoukai has been added to SAITO GUI…
24Fret New Models
SAITO GUITARS S-Seriesの新製品、S-624LT、S-724、S-624MS/Phase2、S-724MS/Phase2を発表致します。 4つの新しいモデルは 24フレット仕様 前 次 4機種…
Adam Rafowitz / Arch Echo
Arch EchoのギタリストであるAdam RafowitzがSAITO GUITARS ARTISTSに加わりました。 バークリー音楽大学在籍中の2014年にStrandberg Guitar Competition…
『AssH 楽器屋に行く』Vol.10 公開!! AssH Official Youtube Channelの人気コンテンツ「AssH楽器屋に行く」の記念すべきVol.10が公開され…
Sugi / coldrain -Endorsement Artist-
Information We are pleased to announce SAITO GUITARS entered into a contract for an endorsement with Sugi who …
雨倉 順平 -Artist-
About 1993年生まれ。東京を拠点に活動するギタリストであり、アーティストのライブにおけるサポートギタリスト、コンポーザー・レコーディングエンジニアとして精力的に活動を行っている。 SAITO GUITARSを最も…
S-622CS 3S
S-622CSにメイプル指板のモデルが仲間入りです。 ・初回生産はOlive Gray、Sell Pink、Sonic Blueの3色となっております。 Olive Gray 前 次 Shell Pink 前 次 S…
Portrait Line No.1 Standard / Burst
※予定本数に達したため生産完了とさせて頂きました。(2021/12/9)1 042を山野楽器ロックイン新宿さまさまへ納品致しました。(2021/12/09)1 033をBottom’s Up Guitars福…
Joe Calderone / Arch Echo
バークリー音楽大学出身のメンバーを中心に結成されたアメリカのインストゥルメンタル・バンドArch Echo。ベーシストであるJoe CalderoneによるS-521bのUnboxing Movieが公開されました。20…
Player 2020年12月号にて弊社製品を特集して頂きました。 ■HARDWARE SPECIAL 3 GUITAR CREATORS 新たなギターシーンの創造~SAITO GUITARS~ 全国書店またはPlaye…
S-622JMC3S Limited Model
S-622JMC3S is the limited model and these five colors are out now! 【Limited】S-622JMC3S / Alder-Maple / SSSBlue…
Updated our website!
Welcome to the new Saito Guitars website. You can also see our old website, for a whi…